100% Blood Flow in the Perineum Area with ISM Saddles
The ISMâ„¢ is a first-of-its-kind seat. If a family is in your future, or you're simply tired of the pain and discomfort associated with a traditional saddle, rest your bones on the ISMâ„¢. It's medically better for you.
The ultimate road racing saddle. It took 5 years of development for the Adamo Podium to reach the finish line. And we pulled out all the stops. Our staff worked closely with real Tour de France racers designing the perfect shape and slope, based on their professional racing experiences. The result is a longer, narrower, and leaner performance saddle. Don’t settle, get on the Podium. Uses foam and gel padding and titanium alloy rails. 270mm long and 130 mm wide.
On an annual basis, bicycle riding involves several hundred million people worldwide. Studies have linked perineal pressure caused by straddling traditional bicycle seats to numbness, urinary tract and yeast infections, prostate inflammation and impotence. For male riders, in addition to the discomfort and numbness associated with a traditional saddle, there is an increased susceptibility to restricted blood flow, which can lead to arterial occlusion and permanent erectile dysfunction. For women, the restricted blood flow and hardening of the genital arteries can lead to an inability to reach orgasm. It has been found that as little as 11% of a person’s body weight can compress the genital artery!
In November 2004, Steve Toll took the ISM „¢ to Germany, to be tested by Dr. Frank Sommer at the University of Cologne. Dr. Sommer is a noted expert in the area of arterial occlusion resulting from bicycle saddles.
While normal testing involves a 15-minute ride on a saddle, the test using the ISM „¢ was discontinued after 12 minutes. Why? Dr. Sommer commented, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” In fact, blood flow in the perineum area remained at 100% throughout the test with the ISM „¢, a mark rarely seen in bicycle saddle testing.
In addition, Dr. Sommer’s prior research has indicated that some saddles restrict blood flow in the perineum area by as much as 95% within the first minute of a ride. Other studies indicate that such restriction over a long period can result in permanent erectile damage.
The ISM „¢ is a first-of-its-kind seat. If a family is in your future, or you’re simply tired of the pain and discomfort associated with a traditional saddle, rest your bones on the ISM „¢. It’s medically better for you.
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