Zone 2 Training: What’s all the fuss about? Dr Dan Plews takes a look at the benefits and rationale behind training in "Zone 2", a moderate intensity exercise level.
Lactate for Endurance Training: What is it? Lactate is a metabolic product produced during the metabolism of carbohydrates that can be used as a fuel source for muscles.
The Importance of Using Lactate to Determine Exercise Intensity Using lactate to prescribe exercise intensity can be a valuable tool for endurance athletes to regulate the intensity of their training sessions, particularly during long sessions.
Maximising Athlete Durability: A Key Factor in Ironman Success Understanding and managing durability, or the decline in the first threshold of moderate-to-heavy intensity during prolonged exercise, is an important factor in successful Ironman training.
Maintaining Fitness During the Offseason: Tips for Enjoying Downtime The off-season is a period of rest and recovery after a major event or the end of the racing season, during which athletes can mentally and physically freshen up while minimising loss of training adaptations.
Chelsea Sodaro Wins The Ironman World Championships A deep-dive into what helped Chelsea win the 2022 Ironman World Championship from Coach Dr Dan Plews.
The maximum metabolic steady-state: Definition, measurement, and application Definition, measurement and application of the second physiological threshold or the maximum metabolic steady-state (MMSS).