David Deakin

From Setbacks to Worlds: One Failure at a Time
Despite multiple race cancellations, injuries, and COVID bouts, persistence paid off with a last-minute World Championship qualification, proving every second counts in triathlon.

Form 2 Smart Swimming Goggles Review: Game-Changing Features for Triathletes

Review: Jabra Elite 8 Active Headphones – A standout set of headphones for your Trilife and Worklife

Noosa: An Age Group review
David recounts Noosa's triathlon allure that didn't misstep with plenty on offer for everyone.

Elite Female Set for Fierce Competition at Ironman 70.3 Melbourne
Top female pros to clash at Melbourne's Ironman 70.3 this Sunday.

Magnus Ditlev, Holder of Fastest Iron-Distance Record, Sets Sights on Ironman World Championships in Nice
After a historic performance at Challenge Roth, Magnus Ditlev, initially an age grouper with no elite sports background, is gearing up for a strong showing at the Ironman World Championships in Nice.