Extreme athlete Jonas Deichmann circumnavigates the world in triathlon discipline
Jonas starts his adventure this summer in Munich and cycles to Croatia. From there he will swim 456 kilometers along the coast towards Montengro. Back on the bike he will cross Europe and Asia until hitting the Chinese coast where he jumps onto a sailing boat across the Pacific Ocean to San Franciso

Jonas starts his adventure this summer in Munich and cycles to Croatia. From there he will swim 456 kilometers along the coast towards Montengro. Back on the bike he will cross Europe and Asia until hitting the Chinese coast where he jumps onto a sailing boat across the Pacific Ocean to San Franciso. The next stage sees him running 5040 kilometers across North America to New York. On board of a sailing boat he will now cross the Atlantic ocean to Lisbon and then cycle back to Munich where he set of around 10 months before.

In total, Jonas will be covering the equivalent of 120-Ironmans and travel roughly 40.000 kilometers.
The extreme triathlon is not the first challenging project for the multiple world record holder. The man from Munich is the first to have set cycling records on all three big continental crossings: Eurasia from Portugal to Vladivostok in 64 days, the legendary Panamerica from Alaska to Patagonia in 97 days and most recently the route from Cape North in Norway to Cape Town in South Africa in 72 days – a whole month faster than the prior world record. « I am slowly lacking challenges on the bike and I always dreamed of circumnavigating the world without an airplane», says Jonas.
As always, the adventurer will again undertake his challenge without a support vehicle. During the swimming leg he will drag along a specifically made raft and then swim to the shoreline at night to camp. On the bike and running legs he will also carry all his equipment and camp along the route. «Beside the enormous distance, logistics will be a major challenge. There are currents at sea and only small time windows for crossing the Himalaya and oceans. I also still need to find a sailing boat across the oceans as I will be hitchhiking», explains Jonas.
The well-known motivational speaker wants to address environmental issues with his project and collects funds for a rainforest protection charity. He expects to finish in Munich in spring 2021 and will have surpassed the current record of Simbabwean adventurer Sean Conway who circumnavigated Great Britain in triathlon discipline by far.

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