Extreme sportsman started for the round-the-world trip in the triathlon discipline
The German adventurer and extreme sportsman Jonas Deichmann has started his next record-breaking challenge – the longest triathlon, from Munich around the world to Munich. During his journey, he will cover the distance of 120 Ironman's with a minimal CO2 footprint. Jonas started in Munic

The German adventurer and extreme sportsman Jonas Deichmann has started his next record-breaking challenge – the longest triathlon, from Munich around the world to Munich. During his journey, he will cover the distance of 120 Ironman’s with a minimal CO2 footprint.
Jonas started in Munich on Saturday 26 September 2020 on his bike and has already crossed the Alps in snow and continuous rain. He is now in Slovenia and will initially cycle on to Croatia. From there he will swim 456 kilometres along the coast towards Montenegro. Back on the bike he will cross Europe and Asia until he reaches the Chinese coast, where he plans to cross the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco on a sailing boat. The next stage will take him running 5040 kilometres across North America to New York. On board of a sailboat he will then cross the Atlantic to Lisbon and then cycle back to Munich, where he left about 12 months earlier. All in all, Jonas will cover the distance of 120 Ironmans and cover about 40,000 kilometres.

To prepare for the enormous demands on body and material that await him when crossing the Himalaya, Siberia and the Gobi Desert in winter, Jonas has completed an extra training session in the cold chamber of Deutsche Bahn in Minden, at minus 25° Celsius, and circumnavigated Germany along the outer borders in triathlon.
The extreme triathlon is not the first demanding project of the multiple world record holder. The Munich and Swiss by choice is the first to set cycling records on all three major continental crossings: Eurasia from Portugal to Vladivostok in 64 days, the legendary Panamerica from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego in 97 days and finally the distance from the Cape North in Norway to Cape Town in South Africa in 72 days – a whole month faster than the previous world record. ” I’m beginning to miss the challenges on the bike, and I’ve always dreamed of circumnavigating the world without an aeroplane,” says Jonas.

As always, the adventurer will complete all 3 disciplines without an escort vehicle. During the swim he will pull a specially made raft behind him and then swim to the coast at night to set up camp. Also on the bike and run course he will transport all his equipment himself and camp along the course. “Apart from the enormous distance, the logistics will also be a great challenge. There are currents and winds on the sea and only small time windows for crossing the Himalaya and the oceans. I also have to find a sailboat across the oceans, as I will be hitchhiking,” explains Jonas.
With his project, the well-known motivational speaker wants to draw attention to the fact that it is possible to travel the world in a CO2-neutral way. He expects to reach the finish line in Munich in spring 2021, and will surpasse the previous record set by the Zimbabwean adventurer Sean Conway, who circumnavigated Great Britain in the triathlon discipline.
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